Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pettalom - The Wine Of The Night (2000)

rafa request
Gothic Metal From Brazil (Tatuí, São Paulo)
36,6 MB

Formed in 1995 in the countryside city of Tatuí, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, Pettalom is a somewhat lost gem in the dark night of the Brazilian metal scene.

Their music has a similar feel to Nightwish but the actual reason for the comparison really lies in the phenomenal talents of Katía Santana. In Katia we have Tarja Turgens equal, both classically trained with wonderful full deep voices. Some may disagree but some actually prefer Katia.

Yes Katia’s soaring vocals captivate the listener but I cannot forget the bands founder, male vocalist Marcos Riva. As Lacuna Coil’s Cristina Scabbia feeds off of Andrea Ferro so does Katia feed off Marcos. When coupled with their heavenly music it sounds divine.

1. Beyond The Castle's Door 01:07
2. Ashes Garden 06:23
3. Berenice 04:32
4. Irate Lizard 05:11
5. Dungeon 04:14
6. Feelings Buried Alive 06:33
7. Serenade To A Sleeper Fairy 02:15
8. Celibate 06:47
9. Sons Of The Light 04:03

Total playing time: 41:05



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